Lomi Lomi
What Makes Lomi Lomi Different From Conventional Massages?
Lomi Lomi is a traditional Hawaiian massage technique that originated from the ancient Polynesians. It creates a uniquely calming, soothing effect on the body & mind that is unlike any other massage modality, and is arguably the most amazing massage style in the world.
As a client receiving a Lomi Lomi Massage, the main difference you will notice is that the massage is performed on your entire body at once. Unlike most other massages, where the therapist uncovers and treats one body region at a time, a Lomi Lomi Massage differs in that the therapist will use long flowing strokes that go from head to toe in continuous, rhythmic movements, massaging both the top and underside of your body simultaneously at times.
The other major difference is that Lomi Lomi Massage takes a minimalist approach with regards to draping. The idea is to remove any barriers to the flow of the full body massage strokes so that the connection/contact between the giver & receiver is not broken or impeded. This allows this therapist to more closely honour & adhere to the Lomi Lomi philosophy of Huna, which directly translates as “secret” but in a more esoteric sense means “everything seeks harmony and everything seeks love”
Another important principle that is adhered to is Makia, which translates to“energy flows where attention goes”.
Principles Of Lomi Lomi
IKE – The world is what you think it is
KALA – There are no limits
MAKIA – Energy flows where attention goes
MANAWA – Now is the moment of power
ALOHA – To love is to be happy
MANA – All power comes from within
PONO – Effectiveness is the measure of truth
A liberating massage style best suited to the hedonistic woman
The approach to this form of sacred massage is one which seeks to create harmony in the body of the receiver while the giver does so with a loving heart and “loving hands”, which is in fact another name given to Lomi Lomi & goes back to the philosophy of Huna.
It should be noted though that Lomi Lomi is not suited to the shy or inhibited, unless of course, your aim is to have an experience like this to help you boost your confidence & overcome your shyness. Lomi Lomi is a truly profound massage style & can be incredibly liberating, blissfully relaxing and almost meditative in nature, yet it may take some clients more time to get comfortable with the higher level of intimacy involved in this beautiful form of healing & relaxation. Being able to surrender and focus on the divine sensations of experienced, professional touch is a good place to start.
If you are a woman who is more liberated & hedonistic, and comfortable in your own body, this is the perfect massage style for you. It is a truly magical journey of the senses that you will not be likely to forget. After experiencing Lomi Lomi for yourself, from a skilled therapist, like The Massage Guy™ – Cape Town, it may very easily become a new addiction, and the best part…it’s a perfectly natural one!
Be sure to allocate at least 2, 3 or even 4hrs for your session as this is a massage that is best enjoyed in a slow, unrushed manner. Creating harmony & balance takes a little longer than those quick, impersonal massages
Life Is Too Short To Settle For Boring Massages
With all the mundane experiences you endure in your daily life, the time you take out for pampering & self care, especially when you’re paying for a service, should be something out of the ordinary.
This gives you the opportunity for that exciting escape you desire
If you are a woman searching for Lomi Lomi in Cape Town, Lomi Lomi Massage in Cape Town, South Africa, Lomi Lomi Near Me or a Specialist Male Massage Therapist for Women in Cape Town, get in touch with The Massage Guy™ – Cape Town right away by using any of the contact options in the footer below & let’s discuss a suitable specialized treatment for you
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You haven’t truly experienced bliss until you experience this form of Lomi Lomi Massage
Book a session today and feel the magic
+27 83 790 1909